
Online advertising exposes advertisers, intermediaries and media to numerous legal constraints, in a rapidly evolving legislative context.

The FÉRAL law firm assists all the players in the advertising industry in the implementation of their projects in the field of targeted advertising, online prospecting, geolocation of consumers, use of cookies, tracers, pixels, etc.

FÉRAL’s lawyers advise and assist advertisers, media, intermediation platforms, online product and service comparators in their compliance with the RGPD, the rules of transparency on online advertising as well as the rules of conduct of authorities and professional organisations (ARDP, IAB, UDA, etc.).

Recent experiences

1. Assistance to an advertising company present throughout France, particularly in stations and metros, for all matters relating to compliance with regulations on personal data and the production of statistics on the audience for advertising panels;

2. Supporting an advertising company in the implementation of an audience measurement solution installed in advertising equipment, with regard to the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data;

3. Regularly assisting an online advertising start-up in complying with data protection legal requirements regarding the lawfulness of processing and the procedures to be implemented. We are currently assisting the company in the validation process of its new technical architecture to analyse whether some of the cookies used can be qualified as audience measurement cookies and be exempted from the consent requirement;

4. 4. Assistance to a company distributing home shopping products in the context of a DGCCRF control which concluded that certain advertising claims concerning one of its products were misleading.

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