
Stay up to date with our customized training

RGPD Training Cycles

We offer a program aimed at providing participants, including DPOs, legal department managers, CIOs or employees who have to process personal data as part of their duties, with an in-depth understanding of the regulations on the protection of personal data (RGPD, Data Protection Act, ePrivacy Directive). We also provide tailor-made training on specific topics: management of transfers outside the European Union, contractualization with subcontractors and joint data processors, updating personal data protection policy, etc.

Computer contracts

We offer training courses for participants who have to negotiate or draft IT contracts. Our training sessions are based on practical examples and cover how to negotiate and draw up clauses to ensure appropriate protection against the risks of slipping deadlines and budgets, changes to the initial scope of the specifications, non-compliance or deterioration in service levels, etc.

Intellectual Property

Our training courses on intellectual property allow you to become familiar with the key concepts of literary and artistic property and industrial property and to adopt the necessary reflexes for drafting or updating your contracts in order to take into account the latest legislative changes and case law developments.

Obligations and responsibilities of the CIO

We offer training courses dedicated exclusively to information systems managers, for whom we have developed a transversal approach in order to identify risk areas within companies and administrations and define legal and operational solutions that can be implemented.

Financing training courses

FÉRAL is a partner of the On train, training platform, which has been Qualiopi certified since December 2020.

All our training courses are therefore eligible for funding by the OPCO and the CFP.

For more information about our training courses, please contact us by e-mail: