Legal Notice

1. Website Editor

Le site est édité par FÉRAL, Association d’avocats à responsabilité professionnelle individuelle, ayant son siège social au 24, rue Erlanger, 75016 Paris, France, immatriculée au répertoire Sirene sous le numéro 822 708 822.

Publication Director:

Maître Richard WILLEMANT 

Tel. : +33 (0)1 70 71 22 00

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2. Hosting Provider

The website is hosted by:


Société par actions simplifiée immatriculée au registre du commerce et des sociétés de de Lille sous le numéro 424 761 419 et dont le siège social est situé au 2 rue Kellermann BP 80157, 59053 Roubaix.

Téléphone : 05 22 26 00 86

3. Intellectual Property

The website and its content (text, articles, logo, images, illustrations, graphics, plans, photographs, etc.) (the “Intellectual Property Components”) are protected by copyright, industrial design and trademark law. Any reproduction, in whole or in part, of these Intellectual Property Components is strictly prohibited, unless express prior written authorization is obtained from FERAL AARPI. Any unauthorized reproduction of Intellectual Property Components will be subject to legal proceedings brought before the competent civil or criminal courts and claims for compensation.

FÉRAL opposes all harvesting and text and data mining operations within the meaning of article L. 122-5-3 of the French Intellectual Property Code.

This objection covers the entire Site and the content to which it gives access.

All harvesting and text and data mining operations targeting the Site and its Contents, including by automated data collection devices, therefore constitute acts of counterfeiting unless specifically authorised in writing by FÉRAL.

As article R. 122-28 of the French Intellectual Property Code specifies that the objection referred to in § III of article L. 122-5-3 may be expressed by any means, including by recourse to the general conditions of use of an Internet site or service, the absence of metadata associated with the Site, Site directories and Site content has no effect on the exercise of the right of objection expressed by these general conditions of use.

To facilitate the reading of this right of opposition by any automated data collection device, this opposition is also expressed as follows < TDM-RESERVATION: 1>.

Crédit photographie de Me Christiane Féral-Schuhl : Conseil National des Barreaux (CNB)

Crédit Photographies : Laurence Guenoun © 2023

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