Invasion of privacy on the internet

The Internet and social networks encourage the dissemination of information, including private information. Cabinet FÉRAL defends the privacy of its clients on the Internet.

The lawyers at Cabinet FÉRAL regularly assist individuals and public figures in the protection and defence of their privacy on the Internet. From advice aimed at preventing infringements of privacy to civil or criminal litigation aimed at stopping them and obtaining compensation, the FÉRAL law firm assists its clients in all their amicable and legal procedures.

Whether information of a private nature is disclosed on the Internet or whether the Internet is the means by which such information is collected by third parties, Cabinet FÉRAL can intervene rapidly to identify those responsible and to initiate legal proceedings, in collaboration if necessary with the judicial authorities and police offices such as the Sub-Directorate for the Fight against Cybercrime (SDLC) and the Central Office for the Fight against Crime linked to Information and Communication Technologies (OCLCTIC).

The lawyers also take all necessary steps with search engines (dereferencing, right to be forgotten) and ensure the drafting and follow-up of civil or criminal complaints for invasion of privacy, identity theft, defamation, etc.

Recent experiences

1. Assistance to an association under the 1901 law in the context of the implementation of its members’ right to be forgotten in relation to the online republication in 2007 of a press article from 1999;

2. Assistance to a natural person in a request for dereferencing of a press article accessible online.

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