Cloud Computing

Private, public, hybrid, sovereign, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS … Our firm supports you in your projects.

Our in-depth knowledge of IT contracts, complex projects, and litigation, as well as issues related to international data transfers, allows us to master the legal issues of using the Cloud and to anticipate and deal with the risks it presents.

Cabinet FÉRAL assists its clients in the implementation of Cloud solutions:

– Elaboration, audit, negotiation of your contracts,
– Review of service levels (SLA),
– Supervision of international transfers of personal data,
– Evaluation of the risks of data confidentiality infringement, particularly with regard to the extraterritoriality of certain legislations.

Recent experiences

1. Advice and assistance to the world leader in modular construction in the implementation of a CRM tool in the Cloud (SalesForces): drafting and negotiation of the integration contract of this solution, analysis of the impacts of this solution on the legislation protecting personal data;

2. Advice and assistance to a world-renowned software publisher, provider of software solutions in SaaS mode, in the context of the outsourcing of its IT infrastructure and the transfer of its shared services center to an outsourcing provider (part of the infrastructure being in private cloud);

3. Assistance to a major French integrator in the context of an outsourcing project of its infrastructures: analysis of the draft Oracle Managed Cloud Services contract with regard to a list of previously identified risks, recommendations and drafting of clauses to be integrated into the said contract;

4. Assisting a large group of accountants in identifying the legal and regulatory provisions applicable to hosting data in the Cloud, including the impact of the extraterritoriality of the U.S. Cloud Act on data accessibility, the French blocking statute and business secrecy, and the identification of other potentially extraterritorial U.S. regulations that could allow U.S. authorities to request access to data;

5. Assisted an asset management company in the project to use a cloud-based service (SAAS) for the management of telephone records used in compliance with AMF and MiFID 2 professional obligations;

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