Traceurs & Cookies

Audience measurement, conversion tracking, targeted advertising, Cabinet FÉRAL advises you on the use of cookies in compliance with the applicable regulations.

Cabinet FÉRAL assists you to comply with the guidelines, recommendations and decisions of the CNIL regarding cookies and other tracers.

Which cookies are exempt from the collection of consent from Internet users? How to collect free, specific, unambiguous and informed consent? How to make your website compliant?

Our lawyers can review and help you draft your banners and information policies relating to cookies to ensure the collection of valid consent from the user and to provide for appropriate retention periods.

Recent experiences

1. Regular assistance to an online advertising start-up to comply with data protection legal requirements regarding the lawfulness of processing and the procedures that need to be implemented. We are currently assisting the company in the validation process of its new technical architecture to analyse whether some of the cookies used can be qualified as audience measurement cookies and be exempted from the consent requirement;

2. Compliance of a dating website and mobile application with the RGPD and ePrivacy Directive, including an audit of the cookies and trackers used on the website and mobile application.

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