Right to be forgotten

Although the RGPD has enshrined the existence of the right to be forgotten, its exercise is nevertheless highly regulated.

Data subjects have a right to the erasure of their personal data. Consequently, data controllers and their subcontractors must ensure that they exercise this right in accordance with the requirements of the RGPD.

Cabinet FÉRAL assists data subjects in exercising their rights with regard to data controllers and processors, whether in France or abroad. The firm also assists data controllers and subcontractors in the compliance of their processing operations with the requirements relating to the right to be forgotten.

As interlocutors of the CNIL, FÉRAL’s lawyers are regularly called upon to present and support sensitive cases before the CNIL. They also defend their clients’ interests:

– In the event of complaints, inspections and formal notices;
– During on-site or documentary inspections by the CNIL;
– Before the CNIL’s restricted panel, which is empowered to impose sanctions.

Recent experiences

1. Assistance to a company in the health sector in connection with a request by an individual to exercise his or her rights, including the implementation of the right to be forgotten;

2. Assistance to an association under the law of 1901 in the context of the implementation of its members’ right to be forgotten in relation to the online republication in 2007 of a press article from 1999;

3. Assistance to a natural person in a request for dereferencing of a press article accessible online.

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