Litigation DGCCRF

Cabinet FÉRAL assists its clients in control and sanction procedures initiated by the DGCCRF and its agencies.

The DGCCRF at national level and its local branches (DIRECCTE, DDPP, DDCSPP) have investigative and sanctioning powers that enable them to monitor the fairness of companies’ commercial practices and their compliance with consumer law or legal and regulatory obligations relating to the safety and conformity of products and services.

Breaches may be sanctioned by an administrative fine or give rise to civil measures or criminal convictions.

FÉRAL’s lawyers assist their clients at all stages of these procedures, from assistance in the context of controls to the formulation of observations or appeals against the Administration’s decisions.

Recent experiences

1. Assistance to a company distributing teleshopping products in the context of a DGCCRF inspection which concluded that one of their products was non-compliant;

2. Assistance to the first professional union of live performance producers in its relations with the DGCCRF;

3. Assistance to a service provider operating in the tourism sector following the sending by the DGCCRF of a “letter before an administrative injunction” inviting it to comply with its registration and advertising obligations provided for by the Tourism Code: response to the DGGCRF and assistance to the service provider in implementing its obligations;

4. Assistance to a company importing and marketing computer equipment and to its manager during criminal proceedings in which they were accused of deceiving people about the risks and substantial qualities of a product, particularly because of its dangerousness. Both defendants were acquitted.

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