IoT – Connected objects

Health, security, home automation, means of payment, entertainment… The multiple uses of connected objects touch as many sectors of the law.

The lawyers of the FÉRAL law firm support you in the design and implementation of your projects relating to the development, operation and marketing of connected objects:

– Drafting, negotiation, review of development and supply contracts: hardware, software (on premise and SaaS);
– Assistance in the RGPD compliance of the project, application of the principles of privacy by design and privacy by default, impact analysis (PIA) and drafting of privacy policies, analysis of specific issues regarding health data or geolocation;
– Protection of intellectual property rights;
– Elaboration of general terms of services (GTU / GTC / GSC);
– IT security;
– Product security.

Recent experiences

1. Assistance from a company specialized in home automation to ensure regulatory compliance, particularly with regard to the European Electronic Communications Code, of a system offer including remote maintenance, remote monitoring and remote control by the customer;

2. Assistance to a company in the development of connected monitors to measure patients’ vital signs;

3. Assisting a company in the development of a contract for the development, production and supply of connected surveillance cameras for domestic use.

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