
Cabinet FÉRAL provides legal support for all e-health issues: mobile health applications, connected objects, telehealth.

The firm’s lawyers are trained in health sector regulations relating to the protection of personal health data.

Our lawyers analyse the legal framework for each project and draw up the contractual documentation and information for patients and data subjects. In particular, we provide the following legal services

– Analysis of the applicable legal regime and identification of the constraints to be taken into account,
– Assistance in implementing telemedicine projects,
– Assistance in dealings with the ANS, CNIL and ARS,
– Privacy by design / privacy by default,
– Impact analysis / PIA
– Research in the field of health (CNIL MR, CNIL authorisation),
– General terms and conditions of use (CGU / CGV) for mobile health applications,
– Advice on the secure hosting of health data,
– Patient information, consent gathering and confidentiality policy.

Recent experiences

1. Due diligence in connection with acquisitions of companies in the field of eHealth, telemedicine, home care services, etc. ;

2. Consulting on the possibilities of cross-checking the data of a social protection group with that held by another organisation in the sector;

3. Assisting parties to a health research consortium in transferring the archiving of research data;

4. Assisting a leading company in the healthcare sector, and more specifically in the field of non-invasive medical devices, in carrying out a data protection impact assessment (PIA) concerning the processing of personal data for medical research, drafting and negotiating data sharing agreements with medical centres, implementing confidentiality policies concerning sensitive data relating to health, etc. ..;

5. Assistance to a company specialising in the provision of services to people in hospital or following their hospitalisation in complying with the RGPD for their services provided at home ;

6. Assistance from a company specialising in the provision of services to people in hospital or following their hospitalisation as part of the partnership with EHPADs to support the legal obligation on EHPADs to set up personalised comfort plans for their residents and the provision of related services;

7. Assistance from a company specialising in the provision of services for the benefit of people in hospital or following their hospitalisation in terms of personal data for the compliance of online areas relating to hospitalisation, requests for individual rooms and end-patient consultations.

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